Our Training Organisation Management System is a complete package able to be rebranded to suit any RTO or organisation.
Rebranding in our case is not limited to changing logos and selecting a new colour scheme. Instead we can design a site for your company, and it can look exactly how you want it to look.
After designing the look and feel of your site, we then configure your platform including:
- Linking payments directly to your own bank and Paypal account.
- Your own custom certificate. Your template certificate is uploaded into the TOMS, and it will automatically populate the students cerficate with many configurable details including the students name, course code, course name, unit code, expiry date, issue date and more. Each can have its own configurable position and font size on the certificate.
- Your own customised invoices and receipts including logo, ABN and address details.
- Your RTO's AVETMISS details.
- Notification emails when students enrol or pay invoices.
Your site will have no reference to Ammonite and can be found at your own DNS such as myrto.edu.au or subdomain such as online.myrto.edu.au.
Power of the TOMS
Your site will be unique and customised for your needs, however you will benefit from all of our powerful features including incredible authenticity and validity. Ammonite takes care of your sites maintenance, back ups, and TOMS upgrades!
Importing Courses or Units
Both Ammonite and many 3rd party contributors have developed a growing bank of high quality completed units and courses.
Importing these units or courses into your site can be done within a matter of minutes. Of course this includes all of the continuous improvement reports and assessment mapping to the unit of competency.
You're now setup and ready to go!