VAT ( Validity and Authenticity Technology)
Ammonite is built on powerful tools to create valid assessments. Very quickly and easily you can create multiple question banks within the one question allowing different students to get different versions of the particular question. You can punish an incorrect answer by taking the learner to the previous question.

Validity Information
When creating the question, the course designers are shown the validity of the question. When editing the question the recorded statistics are also shown when available. In this example there are 35 unique variations of this single question, and when shuffled there are 4200 different ways of showing these questions. This is all due to the number of correct answers and incorrect answers.
The advantage of this is:
- FAIR Each learner is receiving the same question - just different options
- Every learner receives different versions of this question
- If they get an answer wrong, get kicked back a question and then make their way back to the question, they will still get a different variation.