

Create your free customised Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS).

Enter your details and follow the simple steps below to create your free Ammonite SWMS. Once you have finished you can email the completed form to yourself or others.

If you would like to watch a video on how to use the form click here

STEP 1 - Enter your job details
STEP 2 - Click on the types of PPE needed for your job

PPE required for this job :

Likelihood InsignificantMinor ModerateMajorSevere
almost certain This event is expected to occur in most circumstances MediumHigh ExtremeExtremeExtreme
likely This event will probably occur in most circumstances Mediummedium highExtremeExtreme
occassional This event will occur at some time lowmedium highhighExtreme
unlikely This event could occur at some time lowlow mediumhighhigh
rare This event may occur only in exceptional circumstances lowlow lowmediummedium
For emergency response call '000' or follow your site-specific emergency response procedures.
STEP 3 - Create your SWMS
Select the type of high-risk work being performed.
Then choose your steps, risks, controls, and risk ratings.

Select types of work being performed:

STEP 4 - Enter your compliance and review details (optional)
  • Before any change is made to the way the construction work is carried out

  • Before a new system of work is introduced

  • Before the place where the work is being carried out is changed

  • If a new hazard is identified

  • If new information about a hazard becomes available

  • If a notifiable incident occurs in relation to construction work

  • If a control measure does not control the risk

  • A request for a review is received from a health and safety representative

STEP 5 - Save and email completed form to yourself or others