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Recently a customer using Ammonite's TOMS LMS went through an audit with ASQA. The auditor raised a question about the strategies the training organisation was employing to address the possibility of fraud with regard to their issuance of Statements of Attainment.

Which is the original, and which is the forged Statement of Attainment?

While there are some strategies such as watermarking that can be used to minimise the risk of fraudulently modifying a document , with the technology so readily available today, there is no real way of preventing a person with enough motivation from modifying an existing document or certificate.

However, by making it extremely easy to validate a certificate, and at the same time making it well known that such a validation process exists, we at Ammonite feel that we can go a long way to discouraging anyone from trying to modify a Statement of Attainment for fraudulent purposes.

The team at Ammonite with soon be releasing a new feature into TOMS that will allow anyone to verify the authenticity of Statement of Attainment issued through the TOMS LMS.

Each Certificate of Attainment will be issued with a unique identification code. The TOMS will provide the training organisation using our LMS the facility (if they choose to use it) to enter that code and verify the details of the certificate such as the candidate's name, the competency achieved, and the issuance date.

A third party such as an employer wishing to verify the authenticity of a Statement of Attainment will be able to use the hexadecimal code found on the Statement of Attainment to verify the details found on the document are correct. Of course they could also contact the training organisation directly to verify the certificate, but our Certificate Verification Technology should make the process much simpler.

The TOMS Certificate Verification Technology will employ measures to prevent misuse such as typing in random numbers to gain unauthorised access to an organisation's student details.

We are committed to finding innovative solutions to meet our customer's needs. Please send any comments or suggestions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.