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Assessment Validation chessboard

With the requirement in the Standards for RTOs to implement a systematic approach to assessment validation, Ammonite is proud to announce that we have built into our platform systems that will deal with this requirement seamlessly. This will come as welcome news to our clients.

The Ammonite TOMS platform now has built in functionality that largely automates the assessment validation process. Some of the functions include calculating an allocated sample size, the dynamic allocation and handling of marked assessments to validating trainers, reporting on the rules of evidence and principles of assessment, and the production of integrated reports on the effectiveness of the assessment tools used.

These reports include amongst other things the outcomes of the validation process, the Training and Assessment Strategies and Assessment Matrices used for the Unit of Competency (both integrated into the platform of course). Implemented using our in-built scheduler, this assessment validation tool provides a way of meeting the requirements of the Standards systematically, and with a minimum of fuss.