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The future of education is here with Ammonite's incorporation of ChatGPT into its platform. Ammonite's platform can now import an organisation's entire scope and generate the required educational content and assessments, saving educators a lot of time and effort.

With the incorporation of ChatGPT, the resources generated are engaging, complete with images, and designed to be delivered on any device. The assessments are comprehensive and fully mapped, ensuring that they accurately meet the Regulator’s requirements.

To assist educators, Ammonite has also developed tools to grade assessments and provide personalised learning experiences for students. This means that educators can focus on more important tasks, such as working with students, while the platform takes care of the repetitive tasks.

It's important to note that while ChatGPT is a valuable tool, it still requires human oversight and evaluation. However, its incorporation into the Ammonite platform is a game changer in delivering education more efficiently and effectively. In summary, Ammonite's incorporation of ChatGPT into its platform is a major step forward in the future of education. With its ability to automatically generate educational content and assessments, and assist educators in providing personalised learning experiences, it has the potential to revolutionise the way educators deliver education.